Page name: Undead Zoo! facility 4 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-03 19:31:52
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Theme songs "Ocean avenue" by Yellow-card.

This is where people with the government go.





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2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Hey ancient have you given anymore thought to Aspen
Possessing Raven

2013-02-23 [ancienteye]: *blink blink* Oh, yeah! After Crimson posts, I'll start on that. :P

2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Ok this is going to be fun

2013-02-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yep

2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: And the best part is Will doesn't know that this is Dean's doing

2013-02-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-02-23 [Kbird]: -____- grrr mmo rpgs are least to be friendly in.

2013-02-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Crimson I need you to put up Sam's post too

2013-02-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jeez! Elftown sure is glitchy, it didn't tell me that there was any changes to this page!

2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yeah that happens sometimes

2013-02-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: It hasn't happened to me in forever.

2013-02-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Has anyone talked to [Kbird] today?

2013-02-23 [ancienteye]: She was online earlier.

2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It strikes when you least expect it to

2013-02-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: I hope she comes back soon. :D

2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: So do i

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: Sorry my brother took me to a foorball game he was having with his co-workers.

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Did you have any fun?

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: Yes although they probably think I can't speak.

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: I think Aspens mad..

2013-02-24 [ancienteye]: She's never actually /talked/ to Anabell, but she reminds her of Fern. :P You know Marcus is the only person Aspen actually /likes/. Heck, she doesn't even /tolerate/ most.

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: What do you mean the think you can't speak Kira?

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: I dont really talk much in front of people that aren't family.....I see Annabell wouldn't like hearing that.

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah.

2013-02-24 [ancienteye]: It's not so much a conscious thing on Aspen's part as it is that she's reverting to how she acts around Fern. XP Also, Sean is wary of glue because his hat was mysteriously glued to his head one day... >___> He insists he didn't do it, but no one else has owned up to it, either.

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: lol

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Nice.

2013-02-24 [ancienteye]: e_______e Kbird, Aspen is trying to get them to think that she came of her own accord and Dean doesn't know she's telling them anything.

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah.

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: Ooops my mistake I warded that wrong...

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: Anna:Hmm only idiots do things they have nothing to gane from.

2013-02-24 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *totally lying through her teeth* "Excuse me! Just because I didn't live to see my grandson doesn't mean I don't want to keep an eye on him!"

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: Anna: Grandson huh?...I see..

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: So do the children and Hana go back to the daycare?

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: yep...but I gotta go so bye,bye!

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: bye.

2013-02-24 [ancienteye]: Later, Kbird.

2013-02-24 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I'm going to show a side of Will that I haven't shown yet him getting angry

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok.

2013-02-24 [ancienteye]: Yue's curious about where heaven is in relation to other planets. XP

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: lol I dought the angels would know.XD

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: lol poor David.

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know, I started laughing.

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: David:TT____________TT their sick....

2013-02-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gabriel and Logan: What'd we do?

2013-02-24 [ancienteye]: Yue: ? *twists ring nervously*

2013-02-24 [Kbird]: David: I think you love each other a diffrent way then how I love my sister.

2013-02-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gabriel: What? It's not like we kissed in front of you or anything.

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: David: Close enough...>.>

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Saying it like /that/ seems to imply that you /do/ kiss." >:P

2013-02-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Gabriel: *smirks* What if we do?

Logan: Gabriel! You said you wouldn't tell anyone about that!

Gabriel: Aw, I'm sorry, but you're just so adorable. *pulls Logan close*

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: Aspen: O_o *did /not/ expect that response* (She was trying to screw with people's heads again. XP)

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: David:-____________- please tell me I wont have to look over these two.*Sweat*

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: ...Yue spends too much time in her lab. e____e

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: Betty:*sigh* indeed

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: XP *is proud of Yue's post*

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: O.o what sorta books did her mom read her..<- avoiding the fact that she read books like that when she was younger.

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: ...That was Yue's mom's alternate to a "bedtime story". XP So Yue's known that since she was about 5-6 years old.

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: Yue: *notices David blink* "Hm? What's wrong?"

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: David: Ummm you are rather...interesting that's all...And interesting in a good way!

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: Yue: *blink blink* "I am? All I did was quote a book my mom used to read to me at bedtime..." *confused look*

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: David: Umm most people dont have that as there bed time story.

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: Yue: :/ "Really? What about /An Introduction to Dominant Genetic Dispositions/ or /The Anatomical Shapeshifting of Werecreatures Guide/?"

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: David: Uhh most people have stuff like The three little pigs or Little red riding hood.

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...I think I can see the merit of investigating the different breeds and variations of swine, but what does a book about a hat teach? And why is everything 'little'?" :/

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: know..I dont really know why every things "little" :/

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: XD I think Yue is starting to convert David in this conversation!

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: lol I think so too.

2013-02-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Interesting.

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: ...And yes. She did just take Zane's comment as a compliment. :P

2013-02-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: *about Jace's post* ...Heh, heh. <img:Untitled-1.gif>

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: lol mean..

2013-02-25 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Now I can show off Will and Sam's speed hehe

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: And Jace hasn't even mentioned how big the training grounds are, yet! XD Alan and Alex only saw a fraction of it! A lot of it is forest!

2013-02-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cool.

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: lol David is such a fan boy when it cames to Jace and Anna mainly Jace though.

2013-02-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Nice.

2013-02-25 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will asked Raven a question Kbird

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: sorry there

2013-02-25 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: That's ok. Now the question is do I want to use Will's natural speed or his vampire enhanced speed

2013-02-25 [ancienteye]: Who's next?

2013-02-25 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: We haven't heard from Jace in a couple of posts

2013-02-25 [Kbird]: Idk but I gotta go...might be on later but I dought it.

2013-02-25 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Ok see ya later Kbird

2013-02-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Night Kira.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: *confused about why Betty's clapping* "...Thank you?" =^_^=

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: e________O I'm creeped out.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: By what?

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Why?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: The twins!

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol What's wrong with my twins?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: their brotherly love!! It's creepy!

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: I believe she has a problem with implied Twincest. XP

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: You mean like Hikaru and Kaoru? lol

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Those two are my fav OHSHC characters, but honestly? I prefer their mischievious streak when their being themselves over the "twincest" act when their hosting. :P
Thoughts, Kbird?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: They creeped me out too!! I dont know why that would turn some people on!XO

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: *rolls eyes* Why are some people turned on by feet or S&M? There are some wierd fetishes out there.

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: True.-______________- blond in maid outfits is the best one though!^-^

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: e____________________________e *totally deadpan* No. *bleep*ing. Comment.

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: ^-^ *Stays in dream land*

2013-02-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Heehee

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Should Yue's posts go back to her box, or what?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: probably.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1361903745.jpg>

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: cool is that Yues room?

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: How'd ya guess? XP Yeah, it's a little bitty room squished behind the blood lab with pretty much nothing else in it aside from a whole bunch of books on those shelves. Her radio is in the lab, and her drawers of clothes are beneath the bed.

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lol okay....Man Yue needs a life other then her job! XP

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Yes, she does. XD
Her taste in music is actually pretty much the opposite of her taste in books, though. :P She actually listens to a lot of alternate, rock and pop. For some reason, I keep picturing her listening to more up-beat or angry sounding music. Y'know, the kind people dance and/or headbang to. :P

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lol cool!

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Like the kind of music I listen to

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: =^_^=
Seriously, though, how did you know that was her room? XD

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: ...For some reason ever since I found the song "Just Friends" by Frickin' A, I've been listening it to it almost every time I write for Yue. :P

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sounds like a good song

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Do you know that band? I've only heard three songs from them and that's my fav of them. I like "Merry Frickin' Christmas", but only when I'm in a comedy mood...

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Not really but I just looked up just friends on YouTube and it's really good

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: It's awesome. :D

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lol I'll have to look them up...are they harder though?

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]:
...Harder? How so?

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: *blink blink* I just realized that I have no clue what the W in Santa W. Claus stands for... :/

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: white?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: they kinda sound like Simple plan.^-^

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: ...I think I've heard of them, but I can't recall what songs I might've heard... >.<

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: "God most hate me" "It's cristmas" "My alien"<- fuuny song! "Me against the world"<- one of my favorites! "Jump" "Shut up" and tons more.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: *goes YouTube searching for them*

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lol!!! I just watched "Marry Frickin Christmas" with a teen titans vidow!!

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Iz funny, right? XD

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: YES!! did you find any Simple plan?

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Found a whole bunch and saved the search to my fav bar to watch the music videos when I'm not multi-tasking. XP

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lol got ya.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Oh, yeah! How did you know it was Yue's room? *keeps forgetting*

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: Lol it was the first person I thought of.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: *sweatdrop* ...She really has no life, huh? ^_^"

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I just watched the inuyasha version of merry freaking Christmas and it was very funny. I'm going to try to find a bleach version of the song if I can

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lol yeah she needs one....There is a bleach video for everything!

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: I know there's at least two or three naruto ones... :P

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Yeah, well Jace said the next day would be a holiday, so maybe she'll start interacting a little more, then. :P Really, though, if she has work to do, the only hope we have is if someone visits her down there or Betty drags her out. >___>

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: Oh "Ichigo and grimjew have a ugly baby" CHECK IT OUT!!!!XD

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I found the video and at the end of it was the Full metal gang

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD XD That video was freaking hilarious!

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I did and it is funny :D

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lol stephen lench for ya....He can get pretty bad so I can't listen to some most of his music!!!XD

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I see lol oh and check out super Mario Z if you want to see what it would be like if Mario and sonic teamed up to find the chaos emeralds in the mushroom kingdom.

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lol I LOVE SONIC!!!!XD

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: So do I. I grew up playing both Sonic and Mario

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lo I play both too I just like sonic better.<img:stuff/aj/190343/1361912991.jpg>

2013-02-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Yep and Sonic has something that Mario doesn't a tv show

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: lol a really old tv show!

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Should Yue wait for David or Crimson's people to respond or should she just head back to her lab?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: probably head back..unless she want to wait for the twins to say bye.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: ...Should I make a page for the lab? Since it's where she usually is?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: that would be a good idea.^-^

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Which pic(s)?
By the way, one of these is of a /forensic/ lab, not a blood lab, but I figure she's probably a forensic technitian too, or at least the closest thing they have to one. :P

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: 2nd blood lab i think.

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: Just the one pic?

2013-02-26 [Kbird]: The first one could be the frensic...and the third another blood lab pic?

2013-02-26 [ancienteye]: ...I'll just group all the pics together and we'll see how that looks. :P Yue's Lab

2013-02-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: I posted Will's post.

2013-02-28 [ancienteye]: ...Because something Yuki asked Jace caught my eye. XP;FORM=HDRSC2

2013-02-28 [Kbird]: AWWWWWW LOL!!! SO CUTE!!

2013-02-28 [ancienteye]: I know, right? XP And that's sort of what Jace sees whenever he looks at someone who hasn't graduated into a soldier: Something small and fluffy to protect. A pup.

2013-02-28 [Kbird]: awww Jace is adorable!XD

2013-03-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I got another post for Will up and Raven might want to say something as well to help Will out

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: ...And since Jace isn't there, this may take a while. XP

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It might not if Meko decides to follow Will and Ciel to the underworld but you never know

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: But Maniko would still be there. XP In fact they might get going faster if it was the other way around since Meko likes Alex.

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: True but Meko did say that she was interested in the underworld

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: *blink blink* Yeah. I know. I'm saying that /Maniko/ would probably still detain them even if Meko was gone.

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I guess so

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: HAHAHA Wait intell Iris hears about this!XD

2013-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Iris?

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Oh dear, are you thinking about having both Meko and Maniko follow Will Kbird?

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: Them abandoning their work, you mean?
And the only reason David wasn't uncomfortable was because he wasn't in the room, huh? >:P

2013-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: that and he saw it was kinda useful...yep them abandoning.

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: note: Meko has the day off do too her arm check up.

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will's post doesn't go there Crimson. It goes on the Undead Zoo! Underworld page

2013-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: OOPS!

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It's ok Crimson just post the new one there ok

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Hey Crimson wouldn't Zane be able to tell if a gate to the underworld was opened since he is a half demon

2013-03-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: I guess so.

2013-03-04 [ancienteye]: TT____TT *had to rewrite post and feels like she missed part of what she had the first time...*

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: looks good to me.

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: David isn't a "glass have full" person...he is a Glass-always full person.XP

2013-03-04 [ancienteye]: XD

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: It will probably bite him in the but some day..
David:O.O! No it wont! If you look at the good side of things Karma will be nicer to you!

2013-03-04 [ancienteye]: Iris: "Just get out of my workspace." =_______=

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: David:Ye..yes Ma'am

2013-03-04 [ancienteye]: O_O David just said "ya" instead of "you"! ...He really /does/ spend a lot of time with Jace, huh?

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: lol yeah....If you think about it..sence he had no momeries he kinda was like a kid in the way that he took after the people he was around the

2013-03-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Hey Kbird when are you going to have Maniko freak out about not being able to find Meko

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: She asn't finished surching the facility yet.

2013-03-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Ahh I see lol

2013-03-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Should I add a section for Charlie?

2013-03-04 [Kbird]: yes

2013-03-05 [ancienteye]: That note in the file has all the stuff Yue usually babbles about whenever she brings the reports: What's interesting about the blood, if anyone has any illnesses, and who's related to who.

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